Energy Lollipop for home / work

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Saving the Earth just got fun

No need for climate change action to be dull. Sign up for early access to our next product — Energy Lollipop for Home/Office!

What is it?

Energy Lollipop for Home/Work is a Chrome extension that synchronizes with your PG&E (or utility) account to show you how many pounds of CO2 your home or workplace is releasing in real-time and in color — keep reading to find out about the egg.

We think that you are more motivated to save power and get solar when it's shown in CO2 and not kilowatts — because when it comes to climate change, the net CO2 is all that matters, right?

It's not just about turning off lights. Energy Lollipop provides a no-fuss practical guide to get you home, work and community to zero CO2, comprehensively in way that everyone understands.

How it works

Helping to use green and avoid red hours

Energy Lollipop will help you shift your energy consumption away from the red hours and into the green hours. The time of day you use electricity matters because not all electricity is equal. The CO2 put out per kilowatt can jump up to 10x between lunch and dinner.

Showing your real-time CO2 in color

Energy Lollipop will calculate your actual CO2 based on your kilowatts multiplied by the CO2 released by the grid (CO2/kilowatt hour) at any time. We show it to you with one number, one color.

Compare to other players and make progress

Why can't saving the planet be as fun as game? Energy Lollipop weaves in game features to make your journey towards zero CO2 exactly that — as fun as a game. It compares your progress to other players in your area, provides easy-to-follow progress bars, gives awards for successful CO2-slaying players, and encourages delight with emojis, positive messages, and cute animals.

Watch your Energy Animal hatch and grow

Who doesn't love a cute animal? When you install the Chrome extension, you'll receive your first egg. As you respond to prompts to save CO2, your Energy Animal will sense your love (from turning some energy vampires off) and will start to hatch. As you make progress to reducing your CO2 score, you animal will stay happy. Be careful not to make too much CO2 because your animal will overheat!


  • Connects with your PG&E or utility account to use your home or workplace's real-time data
  • Shows your rank and percentile compared to other players in your area.
  • Start with your own egg that hatches only when you reduce your CO2 so you can meet your Energy Animal!
  • Care for your Energy Animal by reducing your home or workplace's CO2
  • Get tips, tutorials, and product recommendations to help you get to zero with energy efficiency, solar, batteries and offsets.
  • Get tools and data to help you influence your entire community to get your town or city to zero CO2.

Pre-order above to get your early invitation to Energy Lollipop for home / work!

You will not be charged now. Authorize the deposit and you will be charged as soon as the extension is available for download.

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Available on April 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Pre-purchase to get early access to the extension. You will be charged once the beta is available.

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Energy Lollipop for home / work

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